Day 11 N.H.

Jul 02, 2005 01:33 we woke up at about 12:30 and we were suppose to wake up at like 9 to go to as u can guess we didnt go to boston.we ate french toast and then we chilled out.nick went to go get a haircut, and it looks like an 80's fullet.(ima fix it).then we went to rye airfield for a session.a u can probably guess, hammers WERE thrown down. sumthing else was also thrown, my back, i threw it out foor good on a frontside heelflip.(flatground).then after that we went to olive garden, it was damn good.we went to blockbuster to get movies then we left to come home.we just chilled out and i pput a heat pad on my back.i am also informing u that me and joei are together now.i love u joei, i cant wait to see u. goodnight all
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