Sulu rocks my world

Feb 22, 2007 16:04

So, this comes on the heels of recent, very disheartening comments made by Tim Hardaway, former NBA All-Star. In an radio interview when questioned about the recent coming-out of retired basketball player John Amaechi, he stated:

"First of all I wouldn’t want him on my team. Second of all, if he was on my team I would really distance myself from him because I don’t think that’s right and I don’t think he should be in the locker room when we’re in the locker room. Something has to give, If you have 12 other ballplayers in your locker room that's upset and can't concentrate and always worried about him in the locker room or on the court or whatever, it's going to be hard for your teammates to win and accept him as a teammate."

The radio show host criticized his remarks on the spot, calling them homophobic and bigoted. But Hardaway wasn't done sticking his prejudicial foot in his mouth:

"Well, you know, I hate gay people. I let it be known I don’t like gay people. I don’t like to be around gay people. I’m homophobic. It shouldn’t be in the world, in the United States, I don’t like it."

He even defended his comments later in the day in a separate interview and stood by them. He also claimed that many players in the NBA share his belief that homosexuality is wrong, and that he would respond the same way toward a gay family member when questioned, giving a simple, abrupt "Yes."

Reaction was quick and painful for Mr. Bigot. The NBA removed him from every aspect of the All-Star Game weekend, as well as all other future activites. Commisioner David Stern released a statement explaining that "It is inappropriate for him to be representing us given the disparity between his views and ours." (Go NBA!) Even better, his employer, the Indiana Alleycats of the Continental Basketball Association, immediately fired him and disavowed his statements. He even had to change the name of a car wash he co-owned, to disassociate himself from it.

Of course, after all of this backlash, Hardaway gave a half-assed apology:

"I don't hate gay people. I'm a good-hearted person. ... I respect people. For me to say 'hate' was a bad word, and I didn't mean to use it."

No, my commentary is as follows:

Yes, Timmy-boy. You did mean to use it. You just didn't mean to get beaten like a red-headed stepchild for using it, and now that you've been paddled so badly that you look like a bitch-boy who just crawled out of an S&M party, you're trying to save fucking face. Too late, the cat's out of the bag, and your stock's sunk quicker then an anvil on the fucking Titanic. Right now, Anna Nicole Smith's quickly bloating corpse has a better chance of getting a high-profile job then you do, and you've got less of a chance of coming out this without being fucked as said corpse would have if it were in a room alone with an 18-year-old necrophiliac on Viagra. You made your narrow-minded little lay down on it and spread wide, 'cause my man, you're screwed.

The best thing to come out of this, and what makes me giggle like no one's business, is George Takei. Yeah, Sulu off Star Trek. Takei came out of the closet in 2005, for those who don't know. In response to Hardaway's bullshit, he recorded the below for the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Further showing how much Sulu just fucking rocked.

Thank you, George. Thank you indeed.


rant, furious, news, offensive, funny

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