Title: The Worst Pun Ever
Series (Story number): Who's Right? (12)
Summary: Home improvement. 50's AU.
Rating: PG-13
Characters/pairings: Master/Doctor
Author's notes: Written in text to Leah A. I have the mental maturity of maybe about a three-year-old. Explanation of series
“It’s not funny,” said the Doctor tiredly. “It never was funny. No-
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You know, it's funny, in my accent you don't pronounce those two words the same way. The stuff you use to fill cracks in moulding is pronounced more like "call-k."
That being said, as soon as I realized what the pun was supposed to be, I rofled. XD
The way I figured it out finally was by trying to read it in their accents in my head. So, it makes sense in British accents. But in my strange American-Midwest-with-a-touch-of-southern-drawl that I have, I was like lolwut? XD
Best quality I could find, sadly...
Okay, that is SO much funnier actually hearing it. Thanks for the link!
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