Title: Helping Out
Series (Story number): Who's Right? (9)
Summary: Apparently, sometimes, the Master actually helps out around the house. THIS IS EARTHSHATTERING. 50's AU.
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Master/Doctor
Author's notes: Written in text to Leah A. I continue with my brief theme of completely describing what the Master is wearing. Explanation of series
Purposefully, the Master walked through the room holding a trowel.
After about thirty seconds, the Doctor realised what had just happened and put down his book.
“What?” he said to himself. He thought for a bit.
“Master?!” he shouted eventually.
The Master showed up at the windowsill beside the Doctor’s armchair. “Yes?”
“No, come in,” said the Doctor.
Stepping away from the window, the Master came in and tracked a whole load of mud into the house. “What NOW?” he said. Along with the trowel he was holding, he was wearing galoshes, his oldest black jumper and jeans with holes in the knees.
“What are you doing?”
“Planting peonies,” said the Master.
The Doctor stared at him.
“They’re flowers,” the Master explained sarcastically and waited for a reaction. When the Doctor continued to stare, he continued. “Our back garden was fairly boring so I thought it could use some livening up. So I bought a purple smoke tree and an assortment of flowers on my way home from work today and I’m planting them.”
“Ggh,” said the Doctor and then coughed and cleared his throat. “Do…do you want some help?” he asked, his voice a bit high.
“No thanks!” said the Master emphatically. “You’ll only mess it up.”
“Right,” said the Doctor, “fine. I’ll just go back to reading then.” He picked up his book hopefully.
“Push-mower in the shed,” said the Master quickly and the Doctor groaned, put his book down again and stood up. The Master ruffled the Doctor’s hair fondly and filled it with dirt.
Refusing the Master’s offer of a communal shower, the Doctor went directly out and moodily mowed the lawn.
It took FOREVER.
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