Title: Ginger
Series (Story number): Ginger and Roses (2)
Summary: I like Turlough. I also like Ten. Here they are in the same story.
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Ten, Turlough
Author's notes: Second of lots of stories written to Leah on text.
One day, Turlough was being horribly tortured, which made it very much like every other day. The Doctor came along and was very cross at Turlough’s captors, which made it even MORE like every other day. Only, Turlough had left the Doctor three years ago and this one was new and angrier and wearing a brown pinstriped suit. Turlough supposed it was a new regeneration as he’d not met this version of the Doctor before.
He was actually quite glad. Seeing this one deal terrifyingly harshly with the guards, Turlough felt certain this Doctor wouldn’t have been so forgiving about all the attempts on his life. Or maybe he was wrong, Turlough thought as the Doctor watched the last guard fall out of the airlock then turned to Turlough with a manically cheerful grin.
“Turlough! Wonderful to see you again!”
“Took you long enough,” Turlough grumbled. “Where were you the last two years?” The Doctor gaped briefly like a fish, then looked amused.
“Rude as always,” he said. “I WAS going to set you free but now I think I’ll probably just leave you hanging there like that while I go and investigate.”
Turlough’s eyes widened in horror. “No! You can’t!”
The Doctor, still grinning, waved cheerfully, said, “Back in an hour,” and left.
“Oh please!” wailed Turlough. “Doctor! Come back!”
Turlough decided that he really didn’t like this version of the Doctor.
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