New fanfic in process plus 10th Kingdom

May 20, 2009 01:20

So, I started writing what I think of as the other half of the Canada-is-Wonderful Doctor Who story that I wrote and I'm two pages in and it's still just the Doctor and Master's phone conversation. OH. I know what I'll call the series! 'Bears and Marriage'. It's got assonance and it describes it! Those are two good things! Hmmmmm....but maybe I should add the word Utopia in....? I dunno. Tell me what you think, guys.

Also, I watched The 10th Kingdom over the last couple of days.
I quite liked it! I mean, I did ocassionally get a bit twitchy and it was REALLY cheesy, but overall, I liked it. For those of you who haven't seen it (everyone except Lolcorn and Marion) it's about this girl and her father who end up wandering around this fantasy kingdom that takes elements from a bunch of fairy tales. It's fun because it doesn't take itself very seriously and when it does, it generally works. Except that Valentines town. Man, that place might have possibly been trying to be validly romantic and it just freaked the crap out of me. It made me think of that one Master/Doctor story that shaggydogstail wrote that had the creepy marriage planet. There were these creepy love butterflies in the town that every time Virginia (the main female lead) wanted to do something that didn't fit into the romance of her and Wolf they fluttered round her head until she kind of got raped into going. I dunno. It freaked me out.
Anyway, initially, Virginia's dad, Tony, really bugged me because he was so fairytale illiterate, but it became great eventually when he started lashing out against some of the sillier elements of fairytales. Virginia occasionally reminded me a LITTLE bit of the lead in Labyrinth, but she was infinitely less annoying to me. I never actually wanted to slap Virginia whereas Sarah.... And Wolf is sweet. A little creepy sometimes, but mostly sweet.
The other thing I liked about it was that it wasn't afraid to be really dark. It felt a bit like Brothers Grimm if that had been cheesy. It put in the dark original elements of fairytales. Also, I LOVED the three troll kids. They were my ultimately favourite bit.
The bit about it that made me twitch was did seem to have a bit of an underlying current of marriage. Like, Virginia was really set on getting a Man and even though for the most part her relationship with Wolf was pretty sweet I sometimes felt the feminist bit of me protesting a little bit on how important Marriage seemed to be. At least Virginia kicked ass. AND there was a girl amongst the trolls, getting to do a sort of slapsticky role that is generally reserved for men, so that definitely made up for it.
I'll end with my FAVOURITE quote in the whole thing. The best I can remember it.
"Yes, we might fail, but at least we'll fail as FAMILY." - Burly the Troll

the 10th kingdom, fanfiction, canada is awesome, feminism, doctor who

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