And you thought I'd forgotten.

Nov 20, 2001 21:48

Indeed, my friends, it is I, Chauncy Winterhaven Oglethorpe XVIII, returned from the testing, tumultuous trials and tribulations taxing my tired... tibias.

And although I'll never make it as a poet, at least this past, what's it been, two months? since my last update has given me loads of life experience that has broadened my worldview and made me a more serene, wise, and ideal person, though I will admit that being any more ideal than I used to be is a feat that is difficult for even I, the greatest of all the great Oglethorpe clan, to accomplish.

(Note to self: future English majors should get out of the habit of writing pretentious run-on sentences that went out with Henry James.)

I could impart all of this wisdom on you, and enrich your lives the way mine has been uplifted to the closest mortal approximation of nirvana, but I'm too lazy so I'm going to talk about something completely irrelevant.

Talking with my other band members during one of our many recent rehearsals that, in part, have kept me from spouting ridiculous nonsense at the four people that read this journal, it came to light that I need a theme song.

Now, I thought the only people that had theme songs were sitcom stars and beefy Wrestlemania participants. I figured I needed a theme song like a six inch sucking chest wound. My bandmates (now a word in the Official Oglethorpe Dictionary) had other ideas, and listening to them, I couldn't help but agree.

Our guitarist, who is like me and enjoys pretty much every type of music but unlike me mostly leans toward rock and metal, is Hindu. His parents are both native Indian. So, his theme song is Aerosmith's Hindilicious "Sweet Taste of India": the best of both worlds.

Meanwhile, my bassist, probably the most beatnicky (two OOD words in one post, impressive) of us all, is heavily into the indie rock scene. The little ditty he calls his anthem is Cake's "Rock and Roll Lifestyle," which I'm sure none of you know but trust me when I say it really works for him.

But the poor drummer. All those hours beating on things have really deadened his musical senses (as well as his sticks; at 20 bucks a pair, you'd think those things would last a little longer).

How will Chauncy ever find his theme song?

Harry Conick Jr.'s "Trouble"? van Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of War"? Red Hot Chili Peppers's "Funky Monks"? Jamiroquai's "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"? Brubeck's "Three to Get Ready"? Prodigy's "Narayan"? Dr. Spin's "Tetris 7" Mix"? Spock's Beard's "The Good Don't Last"? Cake's "Stick Shifts and Safety Belts"? Metallica's "Mama Said"? Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody"? The Super Mario Bros. theme, for Christ's sake?!

Help me! For the love of God, help me!
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