Go here. Download Bad Dudes.
Proof that a bunch of high school kids with more heart than skill can make a movie that's better than 99% of what Hollywood puts out. Bad Dudes should be required watching for anyone interested in funny things, movies, or anti-ninja legislation.
I have been sleeping twice a day, for about 3-4 hours each, for the past five days or so. It is a horrible idea, and Leonardo daVinci and Edison and all those people who said it was so edifying are all fucking idiots. The horrible part is, I just can't stop myself.
How many months has it been since I last updated? I don't even know. Proof that Bad Dudes is just that great.
Freeman Dyson lecture tonight. I loved flying around inside his sphere, the inner surface of which housed an entire alien civilization powered by the totality of its central sun's radiant energy, and blowing the living bejeezus out of said civilization in Freelancer. Maybe he'll have something to say about Freelancer, but I imagine it'll mostly be about quantum physics or somesuch. That could be fun, too; mass hallucinations always are.