Apr 19, 2012 23:12
Today wasn't a good day. Off to the hospital (without having had coffee!) for a fasting blood test this morning. Appointment with my Work Programme "advisor" this afternoon. Was already brain dead from the morning, so got on the wrong bus and ended up at the Racecourse before I noticed. So I was late. I rang in to warn them - one of the rare occasions I was actually carrying a mobile and it had credit on it - and the person who took the message forgot to pass it on, so I got marked as a Did Not Attend on the computer system (which of course can't be ammended). I shall no doubt find out whether this is going to cause hassles with the DWP next time I sign on. Anyway, got into it with the advisor. No real surprises involved - my CV is rubbish and needs fixing (translation - new CV = ticky box on the computer log). I said Work Experience - she said "Retail is the Thing for You!" (translation - we've got no admin work but you can go be a shelf stacker). I pointed out disability - she said "Short Hours of Shelf Stacking. Think about it and come back in a month." These people own me for the next 2 years - I wish it was enough to make me sick....
Oh yes, and I managed to rip the skin off the palm of my hand opening a bottle of squash. Not a good day.