Cut Them Some Slack: It’s not the rangers’ fault they have to turn visitors away

Oct 16, 2013 12:27

The Friday afternoon drizzle that started midway through Pennsylvania turned to a steady rainfall by the time I hit Maryland. Across the Mason-Dixon line and across the Potomac, the rain continued to fall. Autumn should have been in full blaze around me, but the rain dampened the colors the same way it dampened my spirits.

I was on my way to Spotsylvania for the long weekend, which would normally be the busiest weekend of the season at the Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania battlefields. Alas, with the government shutdown, the battlefields remained off-limits and empty. Orange traffic cones blocked access to the visitor center at Chancellorsville, with a double line of yellow “do not cross” police tape to further emphasize the point. At Spotsylvania, the heavy gate, made of thick wooden beams, was locked closed across the entryway on Grant Drive.

Read on, Macduff, at Emerging Civil War.

nps, travel, emerging civil war

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