Grad School Update

May 19, 2012 02:19

I'm still waiting for a grade in my Memory Studies class, but grades for my CNF class and my independent study on zombies both got posted today. I scored A's in both!

(At the risk of jinxing myself....) That means if I get an A in Memory Studies, I will have managed to pull a 4.0 for grad school, cramming two-and-a-half years of grad work into three semesters. This means a lot to me. I took on this challenge at a time in my life where I desperately needed focus. I intentionally bit off what looked to be more than I could chew and then set about chewing with gusto.

I'm glad I'm moving on to the dissertation phase (and my other two exams). I've enjoyed grad school immensely, but it did for me what I hoped it would do, and now I'm ready to move on to the next phase of life. This is wrapping up just exactly when I need it to.

I won't know about the grade for the other class until at least Tuesday. Fingers crossed....

grad school

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