25 Books in 30 Days #22: "The Sense of Wonder" by Rachel Carson

Jan 17, 2012 18:02

Rachel Carson and the Power of Wonder

#22: The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson; photographs by Nick Kelsh (1996)

It isn’t often that I get to read someone else’s love letters. But read Rachel Carson’s work and you’ll see that’s just what she’s writing. She writes of the sea with a profound, abiding love.

When I spent time with Carson along the edge of the sea a few weeks ago in Maine, I came across references to a Carson book I’d not heard of before. I had already added one extra Carson book to my reading list, and worried about the possible tangent a second might take me on, but in the end, her work resonated with me too strongly to pass it up. The title was too alluring to pass up: The Sense of Wonder.

A sense of wonder, I tell my students, is the first step in exploring the world and finding worthwhile stories to tell. Be curious. Ask questions. Engage in wonder.

“Wisdom begins in wonder,” Socrates said.

Read on, Macduff, at Scholars & Rogues.

books, maine, nature, teaching, scholars & rogues

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