Aug 05, 2004 13:58
I attempted to update when I got back from CA but the stupid thing didn't post. Basically all it said was that I'm glad to be back with Steph and in the flow of being home and working again.
I've done a lot since returning from CA it's hard to keep it all straight. Steph and I got the visit the Milwaukee public museum which was mad cool for me because it's been like 8 years since I last was there. They've added a lot of cool stuff. We also got to see an iMax movie and the special mummies exhibit (thanks steph parents :P).
Steph and I spent the last couple days in Milwaukee hanging out at our center down there with a bunch of friends. It was definitely a blast. I need to get down there more often. We also saw Spider-man 2 - pretty cool.
The family reunion is coming up soon and as much as I'd like to go im not sure I can afford to take the time off from work. I got mad bills I'm trying to catch up on some how. It sucks hardcore cause I really wanted to go.
I guess that's all for now.