Sep 13, 2005 12:45
It's my first time writing anything in a LOOOOONG time! Please tell me what you think (and be honest)!
Tightly gripping the sharply cut amulet around his neck, hard enough for his palm to redden, the young boy screamed into the night. His compact body shook and tensed, his lunges rapidly jettisoning all air out and away from his physical being. This was never what he wanted. It was never what he could have expected.
The blood was splattered - almost artistically- against his neatly bleached button down collar shirt, and several drops were streaking shallow red rivers across his face.
“This place smells like blood!”
Out in the cold winter air, his breath appeared briefly in front of him before evaporating into the night, evidence that he was still alive. Hard to breathe. It was getting hard to breathe!
“Be rational. Be calm”
He slowly turned his back to his ghostly mistake, laid upon the snow covered street and accentuated with a definite, immediate stain of red. Things like this may happen in an uncertain and dangerous world, he told himself. Maybe in the long run, it would be forgotten and nobody would care. However, the important thing, the very step needed to negate and nullify the pain and guilt and disgust, was beyond him. How was he to walk away from a past still warm from the kill?
Waves of darkness and depth passed over him then, and he vomited away any sustenance that his fragile build may have leeched nutrients from. There was, in reality, only one conclusion to his story. No lies could redeem his very soul, no fabrications could alleviate the thick layer of regret from his conscious. As he pulled the cannon up towards the sky and rested it firmly on his throbbing temple he thought of simple things: mother, ice cream, cats lounging on a summer day. None of it meant much to him now of course, but it brought the boy a last, fleeting shimmer of innocence.
Click. Never again will this young heart cross the likes of pain and despair.
Click. Never again will this head hurt another
The bullet finally finds its way to the chamber, and the boy begins to cry in those last, silent moments.
Never again, never again