Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. I kinda had a similar experience the other day. My baby chameleon Ji Nuo just disappeared, and I can't help but think that it was probably my fault. ;______; *cuddles*
I know! Everyone tells me that it's okay, he's found a better home, etc, but he was only a little baby. He wouldn't eat or drink by himself. How could he have survived?! But I pray. ;_;
I loved Kura and Icchi to bits! Their little Kansai-bens! 8D And speaking of Gokusen 3 characters. Was it just me that thought casting for the bad guy was brilliant? And also that he looked like Miura Haruma's big bro? I crushed on that guy so much. xD
He was great, but I resist the urge to lol whenever his name is mentioned because Goda in Malay is when you're hitting on someone (and I don't mean with your fists) x3
*cuddles back*
But I pray. ;_;
Love Kura!
And speaking of Gokusen 3 characters. Was it just me that thought casting for the bad guy was brilliant? And also that he looked like Miura Haruma's big bro? I crushed on that guy so much. xD
He was great, but I resist the urge to lol whenever his name is mentioned because Goda in Malay is when you're hitting on someone (and I don't mean with your fists) x3
THAT's it. Kudo. *cough* Yes, didn't I say that.......? lololol
Speaking of Kujo, I remembered that I still want to watch Aoi Haru (because it also has Takaoka Sousuke).
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