The catching up on my manga reading post

Oct 14, 2007 22:06

Okay...WTF-ery @ Genius 360? I know Konomi semi-'ships the ground Tezuka walks on, but this is just getting downright ridiculous! When I'm promised a Fuji-Niou match, I expect a Fuji-Niou match. Not a Fuji-Tezuka!Niou match.

I don't hate Tezuka, he's awesome and all that, but NIOU!!!!! Niou who is so awesome that he makes Fuji see Tezuka! Niou could have been just as awesome if Fuji saw Tezuka but we still saw Niou (I admit, I LOVED Niou since the beginning...and all of Rikkai for that matter; but Masa-sama just made me LOVE him without boundaries!)

Goddamn it Konomi! WFT @ Echizen. Sure, I admit that I hate him with the burning passion of a thousand suns, but this is all just getting downright ridiculous! Gimme Niou, gorramnit! NOW!

Also, at the later chapters of Naruto = excuse me while I take a page out of the Book of Iago and have a heart attack and die of not surprise. Fannish rumours rule, people!

Oh, by the way ignoring the fact that this post is waaaaay overdue NEW LAYOUT! Awesome banner by apieceofcake ♥♥

ryoma is an asshole

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