The HanaKimi Post

Jul 07, 2007 05:04

I just finished watching the first episode of HanaKimi and--while I don't really like to be wrong--this is one case that I accept with open arms. After watching Hana Yori Dango (the second one not included) I didn't think it was possible for Oguri Shun to get even hotter than he was in that series, I was, blessedly, proven wrong when he shows up 50% hotter than Hanazawa Rui as Sano Izumi in HanaKimi ♥_♥

Thus, it is proven once again after my first watching of Kurosagi, black haired boys really do have more least on the part of the viewer :3

But besides Shun and Horikita Maki (whom I actually disliked in Kurosagi and loved in Nobuta) Toma was...well, he made me think of Noda from Gokusen. That isn't a compliment, mind you. I CANNOT wait for Shirotan to show up! *___* That's the second reason I wanted to watch this series, besides the first being Shun. Guuuuuh! I love him so much! He absolutely redeemed himself after losing some of my love in Hanadan 2.

But besides the stellar cast, I thought HanaKimi's first episode was average. Nothing special there that makes me want to watch it a second time or go back to catch my favourite scenes (excluding the ones with Shun in it, of course). It was somewhat cliched and...well, just pretty boring. The random flying anime stars and falling basins were random and weird. I thought the funny sound effects used in Gokusen were great, here it just seems extremely out of place and...well, random.

Just a walking dictionary of big words, aren't I?

In terms of satisfaction, HanaKimi only scored above par is because of Shun, though Maki was pretty great too. Not to mention that she makes a very cute boy. But if you wanted to compare it to Hana Yori Dango, this series still lacks a lot of things (such as attraction and awesomeness). I'll still catch the next episodes anyway (mainly because of Shun). The other hot boys don't hurt either.

Ps- I still loved Toma more as Junpei, even if he was an asshole.

Pss- Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!! Daaaaaaaaaaaisuuuuuuuuuuukiiiiiiii!!

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