The Cat/Dub Horror Woe Post

Oct 17, 2006 13:54

Okay, so my cats seem to be playing a game of tag, you're it! with the cat flu. One gets it, heals, then passes it onto the other one. So far, it's gone roughly a full five rounds, three beginning and another ten to go @__@ I dearly hope not, though. Four are just itty-bitty kitties that are just so small and innocent and-*squaggles them*-and one of them will have an incredibly cute name but I won't say it because it'll just jinx the situation ;;

Oh, Piggo's sick, and won't feed her kitties, and when she does, all the other three piglet push the little babycuteomfg-*squaggles baby who will be given the cutest, cute name. One hint: something like Hufflepuff, but cuter!*) out of the way and so I've become sort of a surregate mother to it. I guess I can say that I've got the little fluffling so well trained as my baby that it eats out of the palm of my hand. It even peed in the palm of my hand too but that's just one story I long to forget! >/////<;;

I got a video of it, but won't post it yet for jinx reasons as mentioned above. Baby-kins is sooooooooo cute!!

So now that I've fed them, snuggled them one round and put them to bed in the bird cage, I'm finally getting some alone time without them youngen's prowling around, I'd gotten volume 55 (@____@;;) of the Malaysian detective Conan manga and had this incredible URGE to find out exactly how many manga's are there.

Limitless, I suppose the answer to be.

I heard that they've just aired the 400th something episode. OMFG, is that true? Does that mean that I'd be 80 years old, living with my 77 cats before I find out if Shinichi turns back to his original form or if Kaitou ever gets his vengeance or what happens to Kogoro and Eri's marriage eventually?

Now that's a depressing thought. Not that I'd ever have doubts as to my loyalty to Japanese produces animes and mangas but...yeah...I'm doomed.

Anyway, so I got this incredibly brilliant thought it my head, 'hey, why don't I wiki it?. It was a good enough plan, had it not been for the fact that I am now half way caught between feeling sad that I didn't find out the info I'd been looking out, and wanting to reach for that sharp, pointy toothbrush stick just across from me and poke my eyes out because I am now forever doomed to have the words Harley Hartwell permanently burned into my retinas. For those of you (blessedly, perhaps) not familiar with the Detective Conan series, imagine taking a perfectly good name such as Heiji Hattori, and throwing it into the pit of ultimate d0000000m, add a pinch of awful and a dash of horrendous and, as a hardcore lover of said character, end up being subjected to the fact that they named him goddamn HARLEY HARTWELL!! What's he supposed to be  doing instead of solving crimes, you ask? Selling bikes to over the hill Hells Angels members and wish them a harty farewell at the end of the day! DAMN!

Oh, and what's this? This, I hear you ask. This is the awesomely brilliant and gag enducing fact that they TOOK a decent name like Yusaku, fed to to an American dub company and revealed it to the world as BOOKER KUDO!

Booker Kudo?

YES! BOOKER KUDO! Why do I have the sudden image of him dropping down to a knee, face his palm and say "FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME, FIVE TIME MYSTERY NOVELIST OF THE YEAR!"

I'm almost afraid to find out what monstrosity they're going to set loose on Kaitou Kuruba's KID? >>;; Those bastards.

The end.

a random fandom nag, in soviet russia kitty captions you

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