The Karin Post

Sep 01, 2006 20:55

*lol @ Karin's OP* xD I haven't seen so much nekkidness since SEED Destiny. However, the anime seems a bit boring by far, I just watched the second episode mind you for Suwabe JunJun-sama's Ran and...meeh, besides Ran and the lolicon that is Karin, Usui is pretty plain looking >>;; Looks like Ichigo and Kyo from FB but lacks the same spunk. I did like when his mom right hooked the manager though xD; And Karin's little sister Gothic 'Rozen Maiden' esque sister seems awesome! <3 Besides that, we'll see how far we go. Have I mentioned that I love YouTube? I DOOOOOO!

Oooh, and Saiunkoku up til 24% already! ^___^ 73% for Ouran. Huzzah! T

a random fandom nag

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