Sep 15, 2005 22:38
first off owwwwwwwwwwwww
secondly it's been awhileeeeeeee!!
back to the ow...i got injured at work on tuesday; trying to get a kid to the office that was doing everything in his powers to not go, somehow i sprained/strained my Left forearm and wrist. let me tell ya it hurts!! (i'm typing this one handed.) i went to the clinic on wednesday that they send the workers comp referrals too, n the doc told me what i said above - he gave me a wrist support, ice, some muscle rub, n 600 mg ibuprofen to take. it freaking sucks cuz it hurtssssssss. i'm just glad that im not left handed. you dont realize how much you use both hands in everyday life till one of them hurts with just about every movement. the simple things like just pulling down your pants so you can go potty or driving, or opening something that requires u to hold it with one hand, or trying to put on ur backpack on both arms that is. n to top all that i hadda go to school today n lug around my backpack, that was a chore. but i managed to survive. i should ice go so i can ice it again, its about time!
n im going to the angels game tomorrow with the twins and kevin. its big bang friday!! *yay* i'm excited!
alright...until next time... ;o)