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I was in Colorado last week, haven’t been (other than a stopover) in quite a while, 3-4 years probably to the state and the last time was to visit the guy I had been seeing who was working at Colorado College. That visit was actually the last time I saw him and one of the last times I spoke to him, I suppose me having to demand him to stop the car so I could get out at the airport was the precursor to the end, but I digress.
This visit was for business, strictly business. I have a major client out there in Colorado Springs. Arriving after and all morning meeting in Minneapolis, I was beat, further compounded by my boss not making the proper hotel arrangements made it a rough start. Oh yeah did I mention that he made the reservations for Denver so we had to drive from there too, just a little to much after pushing and running around all day.
All this stress was subsided with a trip to
Jose Muldoons a TeX-Mex restaurant where they had a ‘Sampler of Margarita’s” meaning 4 of their speciality Margarita’s to start it off with. Plus I had a fifth (I was not the driver) we working on our presentation for the next day and made it back to the hotel about 10. I was tempted to go out on the town, but it was raining and I was tipsy, so to bed I went.
On Friday we had all day meetings which were quite productive, and then a famous pork chop fry, which was amazing, we all fit on the deck and overlooked the Air Force Academy in the distance. I was exhausted by 9:00 and I was whisked back to the hotel where I again thought about heading out, even figured out the “bar” to go to was only about 5 blocks away, but could not muster the energy or desire to go.
Headed home on Saturday afternoon, and really slept most of the rest of the time, entertained have someone over, but it was late by the time that was transpiring, so I just went to sleep. Slept on and off through work on Sunday.
My Sunday night was capped with good conversation, abit over the phone, before sleepy time.