A couple weeks ago I started hearing back from grad programs that I applied to. As of last Friday, I accepted to one of my top choices the University of Waterloo, for a Masters in Computer Science. As of this fall I will me moving to Waterloo, Ontario in the great white north!
So, as I said I will be going to school at the University of Waterloo. Waterloo is well known as having the best Computer Science program in all of Canada, so getting accepted made it an obvious choice for me. The fact that it was also the cheapest choice for me helped a little as well. This fall I will be enter into a two year masters program and I am very excited to be able to go back to school so soon.
Waterloo is well recognized in Canada as being a centre for innovation(notice my canadian spelling). As such, the math and sciences are known to be be of very high quality. The school itself is located in the twin cities of Kitchner-Waterloo in southwestern Ontario, about an hour drive west of Toronto. The cities of Waterloo and Kitchener are part of
Canada’s Technology Triangle(i.e. good for tech jobs).
So yeah, its a little more than an hour from where my beau
listens2kids lives(Toronto), and about half an hour from where he works. It will be nice to be closer than the 500 miles we are apart right now. I'm very excited to be able to see him on a weekly basis again. Yay us!
Back to the school for a bit, the Computer Science program is the top rated grad program in Canada. UW is consistently ranked as the best comprehensive university in Canada by Maclean's Magazine(Counterpart to US News). UW Computer Science research publications have the most citations and have had the most impact among Canadian Computer Science departments according to a ranking by the Science Citation Index rankings in 2005.
It seems to be a very good fit for me as far as academics, and the campus is very similar to my alma-mater. I really like the metropolis feel for a campus, and I look forward to being in a place like that again.
So all in all, I'm super stoked about going to grad school in the fall. There are a few pieces that that to come together such as my study visa, student loans, and housing, but I'm confident those things will work out. My family is being very supportive of my decision, and my job is doing a great at making me want to leave. Classes start the 8th of September, so in about three months I start on my journey.
I can't believe it, I'm moving to Canada!