This past week has been somewhat slow for Creative Writer on the ownership level. Ayoub and I have both been sick - **cough** **cough** **sneeze** **horn blowing Kleenex attack**. The ‘cruds’ seem to be going around as well. If you’ve been attacked by the typical winter viruses, we hope for you a speedy recovery, and a healthier rest of the winter. Heh, I’m about as done with being sick as I can possibly be!!
Polls Placed on Creative Writer Events
If you will notice, there are now polls placed at the end of the teaching columns we post for Creative Writer. We are doing this to gain information on what actually helps you the writer. I may add a text poll that if the piece does not help you asking you what your specific needs to address those needs. We’re all about supporting the writer in any way we possibly can.
Creative Writer Member of the Month
We would like very much to highlight a specific Creative Writer each month. We are planning to add this to the Creative Writer News Letter. Highlighting a specific Creative Writer each month will entail highlighting a piece of their work, a little bit about themselves, what their goals are as a writer, and one piece of advice they might want to give to their fellow writers. We hope this will allow us to get to know each other a little better - but even more so, serve as an acknowledgement of the quality writing we see here at Creative Writer each month. So dust off pieces you’ve had for a while, or write lots of new things!! We want to see them posted, friends only or public, it’s up to you - and post them. Let us see who Creative Writer actually is!! We will announce when we are ready to begin doing this as soon as we work out some of the logistics.
Friends Only?
Creative Writer posts a post every day except Sunday to help the members of Creative Writer become better writers. When we first began to post these, we posted them as Friends Only. In other words, you could not benefit from the posts unless you were a member of Creative Writer. The posts currently being posted publicly serve as a marketing tool for Creative Writer, but we also want something special to be about Creative Writer only accessible if you become a member. We are thinking about this, and will let you know what the future will bring.
Speaking of Friends Only:
Did you know that if you want to publish a piece, you are giving yourself a serious dis-service by posting public? Publicly posted pieces not only risk being stolen, (Internet World is a BIG PLACE, and you never know who likes pressing those copy and paste functions.) they are a huge contract buster for a publisher that wants to publish a piece holding ANYTHING similar with the submitted work. They cannot publish a piece previously published on a public market without risking themselves with copyright infringement. Before you publish a piece here on Creative Writer ask yourself if you see any future for the piece in theme or character, or as the actual piece. If you do, please do yourself a favour, post to friends only, and site in the heading ‘work in progress’ - this help protect your work from contractual snafu’s.. Creative Writer does not require you to post your work to Friends Only, but we do highly suggest it.
We do know that publishers use writing communities to scout new writers. We suggest that you DO post some of your work to PUBLIC, but be careful of your posting choice. Post good work, but consider the post posted to public as the final published work.
Are you a Friend but not a Member of Creative Writer?
Like to read Creative Writer, but not sure about becoming a member, are ya? **smiles** We welcome you and hope you will take the final jump into membership at some point. Until you do, here are some options available to you:
You can reply to any post here on Creative Writer if you are a registered user. Please keep your replies positive and helpful so that this option stays open to anyone passing by. You are also, unless we change this in the near future, able to read our Creative Writer Daily Events and reply or take the polls. This means: If you see a Creative Writer Block Buster you are just itching to reply to, the invitation is open for you to do so! Our Creative Writer Quarterly Writing Challenge is ALWAYS OPEN to NON MEMBERS as well. You can find the link in the side bar if you are curious and would like to enter.
We hope that you find Creative Writer useful in your journey as a writer, or if you just enjoy reading, we hope you find the work posted interesting, thought provoking and entertaining, and we absolutely hope that at some point you will friend us and let us friend you back. In the mean time, kick off your shoes, kick back and relax, and enjoy your time as our guests. We’re glad you stopped by!
We did not receive any entries for this challenge this week! Go ahead! Think about your worst nightmare of a non writing day and let us know what it was all about!! The most entertaining piece will be posted here next week in the Creative Writer News Letter. This challenge is open to members only, please send your piece in the body of an email to either or . Please do not send attachments. Please have your member name in the subject line of the email. Creative Writer Guidelines Apply.
Creative Writer Quarterly Writer’s Challenge
The Creative Writer Quarterly Writers Challenge is waiting for your entries!! You have until February 28, 2007 to submit your entry! If you are planning to participate, please reply to the current Writer's Challenge post, and let us know! We’re looking forward to see how you do!!
Progress on Creative Writer’s Future and Maintenance
Demographic Research
We have begun the first step of market research needed to begin to prepare a valid business plan for Creative Writer. This is a long tedious process, but will be well worth the information in the end. We are looking to see what will be the best options for filling the needs of our readers and writers both for the membership we have now, and for the membership we hope to grow into for the future. This entails identifying and defining what who our customers are on several different levels, and knowing our customers well.
Membership Clean Up
Membership is still going through a significant clean up. Membership in online writing communities here on Live Journal run approximately 50% active journals and 50% abandoned journals - taking the count of members who have not posted to their journals in six months or more - or have never posted to their journals in the last six months. Currently we are running higher than this as I have been working to remove abandoned journals. Our goal is to have 100% membership with no abandoned, deleted or never posted journals older than six months without a post. Currently we are running at 700+ current members with a little less than 300 abandoned journals. This is an excellent ratio for a writing community, but we want it better and to be a true reflection.
I will be bringing the membership down below 1000 in the coming weeks in order to send older non used journals a membership verification reply. The membership will remain between 925 and 975 until the membership verification is completely up to date.
What this means to you the writer is that more members will be available to you that are true members. This means more feedback for your work and hopefully more creative pieces posted to Creative Writer by active Live Journal members. We’re looking forward to the growth!
Creative Writer Important Announcement
There will be no posts posted on February 7, 2007 Eastern Standard Time (US) from 12:01 AM until 11:59 PM. You are welcome to submit your posts into the moderation queue, but nothing will be forwarded to post on this day. This is the First Anniversary of Joe's Death. I will post a memorial post to Joe, but all other posts will be posted the following day on February 8th, 2007. All posts received on February 7th will be accepted the following day. No new members will be added on this day as well. If you are wanting to join Creative Writer, please be patient, we will add you on the following day.
With this, I’m going to put myself back into bed to see if I can finally shake this flu bug.
Have a nice week everyone!
Happy Writing,