Apr 10, 2009 09:21

Behind the cut are the entries for the eighth and last challenge of this round. Please for ONLY your favorite AUTHOR in a comment to this entry. Comments are screened.

The challenge for our final two participants was to rewrite each of the seven prompts previously issued - in only 100 words per drabble.

Please read, vote and spread the word. Voting will be open until Saturday, April 11 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The winner will be announced on Sunday, April 12.


Title: Glimpses of a family
Word Count: 700 (100 x 7)
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Notes: Thanks to the mods for a great fest and to all the participants and voters! Special thanks to my beta for helping so much! It's been great fun and a challenge!

Charlie watched as Teddy played with the toy dragon, roaring and laughing as he raced throughout the house.

"Slow down," Harry called out as Teddy zoomed past him. Charlie laughed and Harry shook his head in amusement at the young boy's antics.

"We'll be reading dragon books for bedtime again," Harry said, putting his arms around Charlie's waist. "I can't decide if you are a good or bad influence on him."

"Definitely both. He's just enthusiastic. I'm glad to inspire him."

"You inspire me," Harry murmured.

Charlie laughed then kissed Harry soundly.

"Ewww, Uncle Charlie. I thought you were cool."


Charlie laughed as his mother tried to gather everyone to cut the cake. The children were romping through the yard with Harry and Ron.

Teddy ran past and Charlie swooped him up, making the small boy giggle.

"Uncle Charlie, Gram and I got you a present! It's a fireproof ball-ack-lava! It'll keep you safe from the dragons."

"Thanks! When I wear it, I'll think of you," Charlie said, hugging Teddy close. He looked up to see Harry grinning proudly at him and Teddy.

Closing his eyes to make a wish, Charlie realized that everything he'd ever wanted, he now had.


Charlie moaned as Tonks slid up his back, licking and kissing along the way. She stopped, laving at his tattoo, his dragon that morphed and changed colors. The one he designed in memory of her.

Startled, Charlie jerked awake. Strong arms wrapped around him, hugging him close to his warm lover.

"Shhh, go back to sleep," Harry murmured.

Charlie awoke again to a small boy with purple hair jumping on their bed. Harry groaned and threw the covers over his head, making Teddy giggle.

Charlie smiled and pulled Teddy down between them, happy for the reminder of his first love.


"I can't believe he's graduating from Hogwarts this year," Harry said, watching Teddy swim across the lake.

Charlie shook his head in disbelief. It was hard not to consider Teddy as another son. Charlie had watched Teddy grow up. The small boy who always reminded him so much of Tonks and even himself. "This was a great idea," Charlie said.

Harry had planned the special camping trip just for them and Teddy. "We'll do it for all the kids in their last summer," Harry said. He grinned then dove into the water, splashing Teddy.

Laughing, Charlie jumped in after them.


Charlie watched his son play on the beach with the large dog.

"So what do you think of Michael?" Teddy asked nervously.

Charlie squeezed Teddy's shoulder. "It only matters what you think."

Teddy rolled his eyes.

Charlie laughed. "Harry and I adore him. Michael's great with Albus; it's a relief to see Albus smiling again." Their youngest son had been sick for so long.

"Albus just needed someone who isn't constantly worried about how he's feeling."

Teddy and Albus laughed as the dog shimmered into Teddy's handsome boyfriend.

Charlie hugged Harry, relieved that their sons' had found someone so special.



Charlie opened his eyes. He was standing in a strange graveyard surrounded by family. His deceased family.

"What-" His head was spinning; he didn't understand.

"Tata." Charlie turned to see Albus holding out his arms. "You died."

Charlie nodded, still confused but happy to see his lost son.

"Teddy was with you," Tonks added gently.

Charlie remembered pushing Teddy right as the dragon charged. "He's all right?"

"Fine, thanks to you."

Charlie smiled, grateful Teddy was still alive.

"He'll take care of Dad," Albus said.

Charlie nodded, knowing Harry would be in good hands until they were reunited.


Teddy watched his grandson running through the field, excited to finally be allowed to help with an injured dragon. He remembered the first time his Uncle Charlie brought him to see the dragons. He'd been just as thrilled.

Spring mornings like these made him recall the man who helped raise him, a second godfather and a mentor. Teddy had followed Charlie's footsteps and began working at the reservation right out of school. Their time working together drew them even closer.
It hurt to remember the loss, but it made Teddy happy that Charlie's legacy would live on in future generations.

~ * ~


Title: Better to Give
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: I think I'm falling in love with toddler Percy

Percy giggled as he toddled up and grasped for the toy dragon. "Pweeze?"

"No, Perce, that's my dragon. I got it for Christmas last week, remember? You got a stuffed green niffler." Charlie snatched up the toy and hid it between his back and the sofa.

Percy tried to peer around Charlie. "Peek-a-boo, dwagon!" He yelled, clapping his hands.

His brother looked so hopeful that Charlie couldn't stop himself. He pulled the dragon out and said, "Peek-a-boo, Percy!"

When Percy ran away with his prize, Charlie smiled sadly. Well, his mum always said it was better to give than receive.

Title: Waiting
Word Count:100
Author’s Notes: Poor Charlie's gonna have too many balaclavas.

Charlie plucked the card off his last birthday present.


Happy birthday! Every day I think about you and what we shared after the Final Battle. This gift is meant to keep you safe until you return. I'll be waiting.


Charlie unwrapped a fireproof balaclava. He touched it to his face and thought about Harry.

Maybe he should go home, visit his family, reunite with Harry. It was time.

His boss, Warren, burst through the door. "There's trouble at the Fireball Reserve in China. Let's go!"

Charlie raced out after Warren. England and Harry would have to wait.

Title: Hidden Away
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: We arrive a bit late for the smex in this one *nods*

Harry came to him, desperate to be loved and held, and Charlie couldn't refuse.
Afterward, he soothed a hand over Harry's smooth skin. Voldemort had been dead a few scant hours, and none of it seemed real yet, especially this.

Harry's fingers traced Charlie's phoenix tattoo. "Maybe I should get one.

Charlie snapped out of his reminiscence. Lately, he thought about Harry too often. He'd been a fool to leave, believing the boy too young for a relationship. He gazed at the parchment in his hand, Harry's scrawl decorating the front.

His heart pounded as he slit open the seal.

Title: Get-away
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: At least Charlie's getting to see the world-one handler at a time.

Charlie used to love to travel, grabbing every opportunity to visit foreign Reserves and soaking up each new experience. But lately he thought more about home. England home, not the Reserve in Romania.

But at times like this, standing beside a handsome Swiss handler at the edge of a pond after a long, hot day, Charlie remembered why he'd once coveted his singular life, his footloose existence. He shed his clothes and dove in, cutting powerfully through the water.

The next morning, when the Swiss handler rolled out of bed, and left with barely a goodbye, Charlie missed home again.

Title: Going Home
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: *pets Charlie*

It'd been years since he'd been home. Charlie stepped away from the Apparition point. He couldn't wait to see his family, or Harry.

Sure, Harry didn't write as much as he used to, and his letters weren't personal like they'd once been, but Charlie believed they could still give a relationship a go.

Ginny ran up to meet him. She waved her left hand in front of his face. "Harry's asked me to marry him!"

George flung an arm around Charlie's shoulders when Ginny ran ahead. "He waited a long time for you."

Charlie nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

Title: Everything….
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: I'm going to get some kind of complex if I have to keep killing off Charlie

People were sad when Charlie passed, but not devastated. During his life it had been easy to set him aside, forget the man who lived far away.

His nieces and nephews barely knew him. His siblings remembered a strong, handsome young man, not the older, mellower Charlie.

That's why it surprised Ginny that Harry seemed destroyed. Finally, one day when he came back from visiting her brother's grave, Ginny asked Harry what Charlie had meant to him.

He wiped a tear and shook his head.

Charlie had never loomed so large in Ginny's life as he did after his death.

Title: To Everything there is a Season
Word Count: 100
Author’s Notes: And with this, I say goodbye - it's been such a fun run!

Charlie loved everything about spring: bright, blooming flowers, softly falling rain, dragons mating and then nesting, and his mum hanging rugs outside and beating them until dust billowed like clouds in the warm air.

So Charlie peered back through the Veil each Spring, searching for the ones he loved.

This year he couldn't find Harry. He wasn't teaching at Hogwarts, he couldn't be found in the Burrow or at his home. Finally, Charlie located Harry in Romania, propped against the memorial built in Charlie's honor. Charlie held out his hand and grasped Harry's, guiding him to his next big adventure.

prompt eight, drabbles, voting

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