How To:
The CW BIG BANG will allow you to earn 100 points for your team. You must do the full big bang (however you decide to) to earn the 100 point.
First of, what is a Big Bang?
A Big Bag is a challenge that allow an artist or author to finish an amount of items (fanfiction, graphics, ect) in the amount of time given to them.
* 100 icons (one icon = 1 point) Alternates do not count (aka the same icon with different text, or slightly different coloring). However, using the same cap in a noticeably different way is allowed.
* 6 picspams of at LEAST 30 images each (and must be done with obvious effort, including recoloring the caps) (1 picspam = 16 points - also can be done as 30 pictures = 1 picspam, so if your picspam is, for instance, 60 images, that counts as 2 picspams)
* 5 fanmixes (with front & back covers, and with at least 10 songs uploaded to go with it) (1 fanmix = 20 points) size between 400x400 to 500x500
* 25 Wallpapers (1 wallpaper = 4 points)
* 100 drabbles (at least 100 words) OR 20 fics (at least 500 words) - basically 100 words = 1 point.
* 4 Fanvids of at least 3 minutes each. (1 fanvid = 25 points)
-You have to post your final entry at
cwlounge-Leave a link here with your final entry under your teams name. IT MUST BE POSTED HERE UNDER YOUR TEAMS NAME FOR POINTS.
-You are allow to do all your items in one fandom or the maximum of two.
-You are allow to do crossovers
-You must have all 100 points to get full credit of the big bang.
-You may combine your choices (50 icons / 50 drabbles or 1 Fanvid / 50 icons / 25 drabbles, ect.)
-You can change your mind at any point.
-When you are done with your Big Bang, please post your result at
cwlounge -Using a sig tag will count as 1 extra point.
Example in how to post:
Here is just one example in how to post your entry.
Submission Form:
Username:Fandom/s:How many Icons/Wallpapers/Fanvids/Picspams/Fanmix:Link: Deadline:
September 5 @ 11:59 PM
Concept of this challenge is very similar to
jjverse challenge.
Challenge inspire by Big Bang Communities.
Icon Table:
001 |
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