It's time to vote in round 41!
Vote for your favorite icon (1 icon) in each category.
Choose the number for the icon you like best below each category in the voting poll (in the little drop down box). The number is to the left of each icon.
Click submit at the end when you are done.
Please vote in all categories, do not vote for your own icons.
The voting will end on Sunday March 7th!
Poll Voting round 41------------------------------------
You can now start nominating for round 42!
The most important rules to remember:
Upload all the icons you nominate to
You can nominated up to 2 icons in each category. The categories/rules are listed in the
profile page.You must nominate at least 3 different icon makers.
Write "Round #42 nominations" in the subject line of your post when you nominate.
Please do not remove any categories when you post. If you do not nominate in all categories, just add N/A in those that are empty.
You can nominate until Wednesday March 31st