ITT we post New Years resolutions and recap how we did on last years shit.
Mine: (not necessarily in this order)
-Continue following Dr. Cox's philosophy on staying fit. "The moment you look at yourself in the mirror and are happy with what you see, you've lost the battle"
-Cook new shit (next on my list
-Continue learning new shit on the piano and actually spend the time to get good at the shit I already know
-Find girl willing to see me naked sober (I think they're called girlfriends or some shit like that)
-Learn the words to at least one Sean Paul song (whole song not just the chorus)
-Drink more or less (probably more)
Resolutions between now and New Years Eve:
-Get my New Years Eve closing shift covered :(
How did I do on my last years resolutions? Shit if I know I don't remember what I resolved to do. So I'd say I did pretty well!