If you don't Play WoW you wont find this interesting in the least

Jan 13, 2005 19:41

OMFG Since Blackrock went down I've been researching armor and I found a set that made me cream a lot.  http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/itemset.html?setid=204  Nightslayer armor set.
1152 Armor
+171 Agility
+44 Spirit
+93 Stamina
+58 Strength
+32 Fire Resistance
+30 Frost Resistance
+24 Nature Resistance
+33 Shadow Resistance
+39 Arcane Resistance
-30 sec cooldown on vanish (I never use but i might if i get this set)
+10 energy (And since I'm going into Assassination talents all the way I'll already have another +10 so that's 120 energy)

To WoW people (esspecially rogues) which weapon set should I strive for.
http://wow.allakhazam.com/item.html?witem=14555 and http://wow.allakhazam.com/item.html?witem=12590
I'm kinda partial to the dagger/mace one anything that makes it less likely for me to get hit makes me happy
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