
May 04, 2004 12:23

"Time for you and time for me ( Read more... )

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cvose May 8 2004, 11:27:09 UTC
It's funny how not thinking for years on end can affect the perceptions of the people around you. Can you imagine actually not having a thought in your head aside from self-sufficiency for years on end?

I don't know when I decided to start thinking again, but I'm certain that lightning struck somewhere. It's definitely changed a few things around her, moved the couch around a bit, tidied up, that sort of thing. But it's a good thing in general and ADD medication has helped a lot as I can often remember what it was I was thinking about.

At the end of freshman year I tried something radical. I had known for quite a long time that I couldn't remember a damn thing, what I wanted to know was what I could do to prevent it and what the problem was. In my experimentation I came to the conclusion that I couldn't remember things very often because I frequently didn't pay any attention to them, so I tried it. For the extent of the trip to Seattle where I bought one of my favorite t-shirts, I paid all the attention I could, and to this day I can remember facets of the trip that are completely mundane, but interesting because they exist amongst a void that is only now beginning to be populated.

This is when I first started to have an incling that something might be wrong. I of course forgot about the incling until I saw a commercial on tv about ADD.
The one good thing tv has ever done for me.

I would love it if you could come to Seattle, spending a weekend with you would be amazingly cool and spending a weekend with you and Bryan in Seattle would be even bestest.

*Crazy love*


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