Curly Haired People!

Jan 24, 2011 08:45

Tips for a ‘Curly Girl’ to have perfect hair: Lorraine Massey’s book will help those frustrated with frizz to put down their flat irons

"Whether yours are wavy or corkscrew, girls with curls know that they face a whole other set of hair challenges than their straight-haired sisters.

Lorraine Massey knows this - her salons are strictly for those with curly hair. Her new book, “Curly Girl: The Handbook,” covers everything from frizz to self trims.

Read an excerpt below about how you should treat your curly hair. "

The cover shows women of several ethnicities, which is good. As I am a caretaker of curly hair (being the main advice conduit for metageek) this looks like mostly good advice.

My only reservation from the excerpt is that she seems to assume that when drying one's hair with a towel, it's the *towel* that is causing the problem rather than the motion/friction of how the hair is dried in the conventional towel method. It seems highly unlikely that it's the towel itself to blame. I hope the rest of the book doesn't suffer from this lack of clear thought.

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