Its me. I'm the lucky guy. Heres why.....
1.) I just am, prom is gunna be crazy fun yo.
2.) My car windows are up, there is no plastic on them, and there is something covering me from the cold. How lucky is that?
3.) Just picked up the
CD today, its great! Trust me, if you like some flavor in your music (who doesnt) and if you think Will I Am is an ok. singer, than this is the CD for you. now granted, its not for everyone, it is a little different then what you listen to usually, but its great, as i mentioned, Will I Am is a better producer than a singer THATS FOR SURE. anywhoooo. pick it up, or dont! Wait til next month, because something tells me that there will be an indepth review of it in ye old school paper. thanks to me. I wasnt too wrong with Death Cab For Cutie, and they had a good year. I wasnt too wrong with the Roots, they had a good year. I wasnt too wrong with Kanye West, and well.....needless to say "Kanye Your Next" (c) Bono.
So there it is in a nutshell folks. stay tuned next for, another episode.