It's been over a month?

Nov 11, 2009 18:24

It's been a long time since my last post. I hadn't realized that. I thought for sure that I had posted... maybe I dreamt it?

Anyway, today Bailey had follow up appointments with her pediatrician for her ear infections. Both ears look great. There is still a little bit of an infection in her right ear but thankfully we don't have to go through the medicine phase again with it. We also get to start her on solids starting Monday when she is FIVE MONTHS OLD. I cannot BELIEVE that it's already been 5 months already!!!! She's getting so big. Long and thin, not chunky at all but she has the CUTEST chubby thighs in the whole world.

We also went to Cranial Tech for her first week follow up on her DOC band and everything is looking great. They have a clay mold of her head and we used it to see progress and holy cow a whole flat area has already bubbled out!!! It was so awesome. She shall have a cute round head very soon!

On a sad note, I found out that one of my old friends and coworkers in Columbus committed suicide last night in his SUV two miles from his home. Apparently, since I had left for Vegas, he had been diagnosed with cancer that spread all over his body and the pain was just too much for him so he took his own life. He left behind his wife of 25 years and their 2 kids. I was shocked. He was SUCH A GREAT GUY! I'm grateful that I have so many great memories from Christmas parties and day to day work to remember him by. I hate that this happened. Life is so delicate.
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