GUNFIRE ERUPTS at da capitol!!!!

Oct 03, 2013 17:25

porcine gunfire.  da reportin of da incident by media outlets izz almost as bad as da shit dat actually happened.  IFF iss true dat 'words were exchanged' between a woman n some aythority figure at a white house checkpoint BEFORE a car chase ensued n da woman's car wuzz approached by police wif guns drawn some distance away, WHYdafuck izz ANYBODY reportin dat da woman tried 2 RAM a white house gate.  oh, i skipped da part where it wuzz earlier reported da gunfire wuzz 'EXCHANGED'.  Also erroneously reported wuzz dat da woman HIT n injured a police officer (who got injured by barriers or another car).  WHAT words were INITIALLY exchanged???  Could da person wif whom da woman exchanged words have POSSIBLY communicated da fact dat it wuzz a woman in da car who probly simply made a wrong gotdayum turn?????????????????? her STRANGE BEHAVIOR when confronted by police wif guns drawn????  try lookin down da barrelS of gunS pointed at u n tell me how da fuck ANYBODY SPOZED 2 act.  ONLY da most LEVEL-HEADED peepul WIFOUT IRRATIONAL gotdayum FEAR would NOT PANIC (remain CALM enuf 2 tell dem muhfuckas 'i got a BABY inna gotdayum car'.)...
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