Great Players, generation gaps n Generation Next

Aug 04, 2012 15:10

as a student of da game, i always did luv hearin bout da 'old' days of da Flea House n shit like dat.  da scrabble dictionary changed da game n da landscape (THEN--much inna SAME way study aids changed shit NOW).  i wuzz fortunate enuf 2 come along at a time when Richie Lund, Jimmy Neuberger, n Bob Felt wuzz playin.  Inna early 90's, it LOOKED like scrabble might blow up BIGTIME--but dat wuzzint da MAIN REASON i booked up.  When i do some shit, i wanna KNOW whatdafuck i'm doin--dess juss how i get down.

some funny shit izz when Bob Felt took me 2 school da day b4 da 92 natl's, i exchanged O 3 times holdin EASTER.  Richie Lund mighta thought it wuzz funny da 1st time i did it, but on da 3rd time he couldn't take it no more n told me 2 play ROSEATE.  ok, i gotta learn baby shit.  a coulpla months later, Charlie Southwell played LEADWORT almost KNOWIN i wuzz GONNA say whatdafuck izz dat.  i had already acquired 'bingo' books in addition 2 doc frankenstein's WORDBOOK--ok, ALL prefixes n suffixes (post WEED, WOOD, n WORT).

Matt Graham also gave me a good push.  dat goofy muthafucka wuzz friends wif smarmyass Jim Geary, who wuzz down wif Capp. student of da game mean i know who's WHO--n i aint no PUNK.  my contemporaries also include Trey n Wiegand.  i met both Joel's, Nyman, n Tiekert in 92.  so twixt my personality n CIRCUMSTANCE, i prepped 4 a day dat would nevva muthafuckin come.

While da sheer number of GOOD players increased, da QUALITY of play at da top slipped like TWO muthafuckas. 4 ANYbody who care WHY--iss cuz LESS WORK izz REQUIRED 2 get GOOD.  juss like muhfuckas grow up now wifout EVVA actually touchin a tv 2 change a channel, some of da Genereation Next players aint nevva laid eyes OR hands onna gotdayum dictionary.  Welcome 2 da age of instant gratification.

dat i been around long enuf 2 SEE da landscape change izz kinda funny.  i laffed aloud when i thought of how at da last Albany new year's i told JOE EDLEY 2 stop bumpin his gums n let's sit down n PLAY SO i can whip HIS ass.  While i WOULDA said da SAME thing 20 years ago IF i had been on equal footin wif him, Father Time DID slow Joe down.  i also laffed at da THOUGHT of somebody sayin dat 2 me inna few more years afta Father Time get me.
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