Character Name: Rufus ShinRa
Series: FFVII
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 25 and from On the Way to a Smile: The Case of Shin-Ra right after he’s been kidnapped by Kilmister who kidnapped him from Mutten.
Requested Sponsor: Sapphire
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
HereGarden History: N/A
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: While not nearly as powerful as Cloud or Sephiroth, Rufus can presumably hold his own in a fight. Near to the beginning of the game, he has a battle with Cloud on the rooftop of the Shin-Ra building in which he single-handedly uses a sawed off double barrel shotgun with barely any effect from the kickback. Shotguns in general are not weapons meant to be wielded that way, and the fact that he’s capable of doing that means he must at least have a decent amount of arm strength. His aim isn’t perfect, but he’s not a bad shot either, and he’s not afraid of fighting on his own when he needs to defend himself. He also stands up to torture rather well, even in a weakened state as seen in On the Way to a Smile: The Case of Shin-Ra when he is kidnapped from Kalm while the Turks are out on a mission to Midgar. His own willpower pulls him through and keeps him from spilling all of his plans of rebuilding to his captor - he is cunning enough to give just enough at a time to keep himself alive without divulging everything.
In addition to his physical abilities, Rufus is a brilliant businessman and a skilled manipulator. In Before Crisis, he uses his own financial resources to fund the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE and slips them important information to try to bring down his father and take control of the company. A knife in the back clearly isn’t his style, but manipulating somebody else to stick the knife in is.
Rufus is also incredibly stubborn. His refusal to accept death is what allows him to survive Diamond Weapon’s attack. This is a strength for him because it saved his life.
Personality: Rufus' self-confidence manifests in his knowledge that he's better than anybody else, period. He's power-hungry, arrogant, and looks down on anybody he doesn't consider his equal - or at least, he used to. Rufus’s long fall down the escape shaft in his office gave him a good deal of time to think, as did his subsequent imprisonment. Now that he’s been faced with death, Rufus has seen the error of his ways and wishes to repent of his mistakes by helping the people of Midgar rebuild. He has a well-thought out plan to provide them with tools and supplies, as well as money to complete the construction of a new city.
Despite his repentant attitude, however, Rufus has one stipulation that is denied him during the months he spends kidnapped: he wishes to lead the construction of the new city as a way of showing that ShinRa can help and that it still has a place among the people. It is important to Rufus that his company comes clean as well, and no other leader will do. While it would have been far too easy for Rufus to give all the details over to Kilmister (and thus likely be murdered), a large part of his refusal seems to come from Rufus’s refusal to let another person lead. This shows that Rufus is really more of a dominant person; he can’t stand the thought of somebody else leading where he feels that he should do so. While he is willing to listen to advice and take it into account, he feels the need to be the one who makes the final decision. Now Rufus is focused on rebuilding. Rufus is cool and collected as a leader, capable of giving reasonable and correct orders even in dire situations. He can also be incredibly diplomatic. When a group of men break into the house in Kalm, Rufus manages to talk his way out of being killed and instead ends up merely kidnapped.
It could possibly be inferred that through taking on such a large project and also rebuilding ShinRa at the same time that Rufus is more than a little bit ambitious. Both of these projects are incredibly large-scale and there is a mountain of adversity and hatred that needs to be overcome. Rufus, however, is undaunted by the tasks. He believes he can accomplish these grand things and is determined to see them through. Such a task also takes a certain amount of competence, which we find out later on in compilation that Rufus seems to possess. After all, he does slowly begin to realize his dreams.
Rufus is also incredibly intelligent and reserved. He formulates his (rather well-thought-out) plans for rebuilding on hardly any information at all (he was kidnapped before he could hear the Turks’ reports) and though he’s willing to discuss important things such as information and details with others, Rufus keeps his feelings to himself. Rufus isn’t shown to whine or discuss his pain or emotions with anybody else accept himself. He also knows when to hold back on information or in his dealings with other people, such as with his kidnappers. No matter what, appearances are of great concern to Rufus, and being emotional would make him look rather awful. It can be speculated that this may be a reason for his reserved attitude with his emotions. Even after Diamond Weapon’s attack and his subsequent trip down the escape shaft have left him with multiple injuries (including broken ribs), his first thought once he stops laughing is that he doesn’t want anybody to see him in such a state. Recently, Rufus has come to terms with his own insignificance and mortality when faced with Diamond Weapon. After being moved to Kalm to recover, Rufus becomes uneasy when he is left alone in the house, realizing that the only thing keeping him away from the restless and angry mob outside is a set of thin walls and some stairs.
When Shinra was still in charge, Rufus cared little for others much of them (the Turks being perhaps the only exception to this), preferring to rule with fear and force rather than with money as his father did. However, he would never refer to any people as “lapdogs” or treat them as less than human. The thought of torture seems to make him feel disgusted. Now that his father is gone, Rufus is determined to make a name for himself without standing on his father’s shoulders.
Much to his everlasting dismay, Rufus has weaknesses just like everybody else. Presently he has the following physical weaknesses: his right heel and his ribs are broken. He is currently confined to a wheelchair to heal as he cannot use crutches with the broken ribs. Physical weaknesses are not the only ones he has, however. Rufus’s pride gets in the way of better judgment at times, such as caring how others will see him compared to getting to a doctor. His refusal to trust others can lead to over- or underestimating others and he can be rather cold toward others. Though he seems to have a change of heart regarding the planet, Rufus is not willing to let anybody else hold the reigns of reconstructing and recovering from Meteor, even while suffering from Geostigma.
Rufus does not like admitting defeat, even if the person he is admitting it to is dead and gone, such as his father. Many of the things he did as a child were for daddy’s approval, and it seems to have rarely been given. This seems to play into his stubborn sense of pride. Rufus doesn’t seem to ever really get scared or upset. I count this as a strength and a weakness because when it comes to the point where he will have to deal with loss, he may not be able to emotionally handle it. His mind only seems to think logically, and while that’s not always a bad thing, it will affect how he interacts with others. Rufus may not be able to understand an emotional point of view.
Rufus holds a double standard that says that others need to treat him with the utmost respect while he may or may not give his own respect away easily. When somebody doesn't abide by this rule of his, he can become a little angry or frustrated, which can cause tension in a relationship, he’ll respect a person if they respect him. Rufus’s pride manifests in other ways: he does not believe in running away from any problem, even Meteor. That’s not to say he doesn’t know when to set his pride aside. To the contrary, Rufus will let go of his pride if the circumstances call for a bit of humility. If advice is sound, he will even accept it from his subordinates and rely on them to bring him accurate information and keep him safe.