Sep 12, 2010 01:37
[ Siel said he wants to play Pokémon, and because Bel is such a kind little brother, he said he could dig up a copy for him. Actually he just wants to laugh at him when he inevitably fails at electronics.
So here he is showing Siel into his room to look for it. Which will be quite the task, because he never did unpack properly, so the room is a haphazard mess and it's hard to move around without tripping on things... And he didn't put the game cartridge in a box or anything. It could be anywhere, really.
So you know what you're looking for, Siel: ]
It's about this big and I think it was red. And it says "Pokémon" on it, so it shouldn't be too hard to recognize.
[ And for anyone who is not Siel, you could always stop in and help them look, the door is open! They might need the help. :| ]
video games,
siel is an old lady