Sooo...Clark frickin flew!!!!! Everything else in that episode was mildly irrelevent. Even Clark telling Lois that he loved her. My favorite episode by far, it had it's down parts...but it was more AWESOME than bad :)
I know I may be in the minority here...but I'm so glad (no pun intended) that Kurt finally got called out on his creaptastic behavoir towards Finn! Finn still shouldn't have said what he said, but we've all been backed up in the "uncomfortable" corner and said things we regretted because of it. Maybe now he'll learn from it and he can have a healthy platonic relationship with the non!gay Sam...or is he? And lol at Kurt outing him on dying his hair.
I'm loving Quinn and Sam! They were just too adorable. And he's such a dork! Talking to her in Navi'...why weren't there boys with bodies and dorkiness like his when I was in school :/
Rachel/Finn are still adorbs. I love how they balance each other out (His extreme mellowness and her EXTREME!ness). And I absolutely adored their plotting and fist bumping! I need .gifs of it, pronto!!!
Fringe: I have no words...except I'm frickin pissed that Peter hasn't picked up on the fact that he's not with HIS!Olivia. I mean...seriously! He even picked up on their extreme differences...and he likes her better...I mean...I just don't know.
...I keep forgetting how much I adore them. But WB keeps reminding me with each new promo pic with them. Lol my boss even brought them up today randomnly, and was all "Harry and Hermione should've gotten together don't you think?" seriousle? Where's that come from. In the HP fandom, Harmony seems to be the most hated ship...I thought there weren't that many of us. Then I venture into the world of non-interenet fans...and it seems like we're everywhere!