Is it "safe" to come out now?

Oct 19, 2005 09:58

Wait wait this is the second time i'm writing this entry.

I just deleted my "comeback" intro. It's too cliche for me to say "damn it's been a long time since I've updated this thing."

So I've decided to start mine nice, fresh, and uniquely...

FUCK it's been a long time since I've updated this thing!

You'd think I would figure out that rich text mode is easier than html. Well I can't say, "it's good to be back". Seems like everytime I do I post maybe one thing and say I'll be back to post again.

Then leave the galleries waiting in sick anticipation

tcha! *brushes shoulder off*

dandruff. sorry.

well in case ya'll wanted to know these are the things I've been enjoying lately

As for music: TRS

TV (dreadful invention): House M.D.

David shore is a fucking genius...

And as for my new thing that I'm fanaticizing over, because ya'll know that I'm Daryl and Daryl gotta be fanaticizing over something right?

It's scary I know, but I just might be starting to grow up.

Cars are becoming my "in"


This week I've been spending my lonely nights at borders reading car magazines and learning about fine tuning your antiroll bars


On that note may I give you another headline.
Old news that never gets old.

Here's the dumb ass who tatoo'd on her forehead for 10,000 dollars for her kid.

Guess where she sold it?

none other ladies and gentlemen...
none other...

Get into it...

Day Rating: 8.0

-CuYa  M.D.
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