. Igh figured tHat it be a joke, and in is standard practice for Brytish pagans on LJ; Americans seem yncapable of boath in-joke and ironye. THis was mygh cue tu take the material in an un:intend'd direction, standard practice am0ng PE readers, and complete:ly losst on Americans - igh wunce got boot'd off an American Krystian LJ:nic's F\Lisst for heapyng preighz on her dighatribe on homosexuhals. FurtHer warbles tu the post [mygh thankance tu telephonophobic for tHis term] provided fresh material for multidirectional humor, Alexander the great poof beyng a particular:ly wellkm free gifft. Whye the fuck dooe igh have tu explaighn tHis? . It struck me jusst now tHat T`S`Eliot probably intended a Masonic reference. Michelangelo was a great mason. "Time to turn back and descend the stair" c0uld be a reference tu clozing the L in the *** ******. "The bottoms of my trousers rolled" is clear:ly the *********** for receiveing the *** ******. The name Prufrock soundheth like the Junior Warden's answer when opening the L in the 3rd degree: Igh am, RWM, try me and proove me. Igh don't suppoze tHat tHere is anyh Masonic significance azz the poem is about frustration & sexuhalityh without anyh hinnt of loffty tone. Eliot may be saying tHat Prufrock is seeking solace in Freemasonrye bcoz he findeth noe joye in real life - "trousers rolled" is suspicious:ly close tu cautious. The Masonic reference may be tHere azz a joke or bcoz stream of conscious:ness sh0uld contaighn Masonic reference - Joyce dyd it free:ly, but anitMasonics can't be botHtHer'd tu read stream of conscious:ness, and Freemasons jusst don't talk about Masonic content, hennce it ysnt wide:ly known. The tr0uble wi stream of conscious:ness is tHat it eighnt clear, which is whye it gode out of fashion. . . C0me tu the pub tu-morrow! x x x, Froggo.
. It struck me jusst now tHat T`S`Eliot probably intended a Masonic reference. Michelangelo was a great mason. "Time to turn back and descend the stair" c0uld be a reference tu clozing the L in the *** ******. "The bottoms of my trousers rolled" is clear:ly the *********** for receiveing the *** ******. The name Prufrock soundheth like the Junior Warden's answer when opening the L in the 3rd degree: Igh am, RWM, try me and proove me. Igh don't suppoze tHat tHere is anyh Masonic significance azz the poem is about frustration & sexuhalityh without anyh hinnt of loffty tone. Eliot may be saying tHat Prufrock is seeking solace in Freemasonrye bcoz he findeth noe joye in real life - "trousers rolled" is suspicious:ly close tu cautious. The Masonic reference may be tHere azz a joke or bcoz stream of conscious:ness sh0uld contaighn Masonic reference - Joyce dyd it free:ly, but anitMasonics can't be botHtHer'd tu read stream of conscious:ness, and Freemasons jusst don't talk about Masonic content, hennce it ysnt wide:ly known. The tr0uble wi stream of conscious:ness is tHat it eighnt clear, which is whye it gode out of fashion.
. . C0me tu the pub tu-morrow! x x x, Froggo.
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