Mar 05, 2005 12:59
SHANNON U REALLY NO WHAT IM TALKING BOUT! lol im gunna post sumthing like u did cuz we both think the same way! so here it goes:
if my life should be reflected by others or may it my own life! i mean a lot of people wanna be cool so they do shit there friends are but really the only way u can be cool is being urself... i also hate when people judge u on ur looks and how u act or even put u in a genre, i mean are school is composed of mostly people that dress in aero, holister, ambercrombie and all that i mean y do we call them preps? and when it comes down to the 'others', people call us all fucked up? y is that? cuz we have a slightly different taste in clothing, or music? who gives a damn! were all people, we all no whats it feels like to be judged, usually u dunt like it, am i rite? if u dunt like it, then y r u judging other, thats what im lost on? we all have feelings! for the opposing side, people who are being judged shouldnt take it hard cuz there just words coming outta peoples mouths {that they shouldnt even be saying to begin w/!}, people need to play by there own rules, not by what others say, do what u feel is best, be cool by being urself ughhh i dislike pretenders! like people that follow the crowd...
i no sum cool people that are definitally themselves! ad, ac, sb, kg, jn, cj, jp, jm, ap, ak, jn, bn, nk, and a bunch more but those are all my good friends[i guess u can say]! u guys r awesome!!
<3 |A|m|A|n|d|A|