Kissing, Klutzes, and Killing Kouples (shut up)

May 27, 2006 00:14

Today I did what I feel every person should do at least once they before they die. Yes, I went to a movie by myself. I am curious as to what person designated a movie a social event, because it is rude to talk to other people, if you look at them you'll miss the movie, and for the price of popcorn these days I would rather not have people mooch off of it. Also, it saves time to see a movie by yourself as you are not bound to the social obligations which come before and after the movie. Nor do you have to worry about others being late, not having tickets, etc.* That aside, I would like to share my experience with everyone in the hope that maybe we can all go alone to a movie together someday.

The movie I saw was Just My Luck . My brother and dad went and saw MI3, and since MI3 was 20 minutes longer and started 20 minutes earlier, it worked out well. I was the first person in the theater, early by at least 25 minutes. As I sat there, I thought about how creepy it was to be in an empty movie theater alone, and envisioned the doors locking and the lights shutting off and then the psychopathic killer popping up on the screen, laughing at me and daring me to escape. Therefore the weird looks the couple who came in gave me may have been because I practically jumped out of my seat and ran away. I think they must have been the most annoying two people on the face of the earth. Once I got over my gratefulness for their presence (the idea being that the killer would go for them first since they were so freaking annoying), I became really annoyed because they were all touchy feely, she was skinny, and I am pretty sure they were whispering about me. They were also wearing matching green polo shirts. Do not deny me my hatred.

I basically sat there hating on them for another 10 minute or so when more people started filing in. There were mostly mothere-daughter pairs, or teenage girls in groups of two or three. There were maybe two other couples (none of them competed with anorexic polo girl and her irritating boyfriend whom I am convinced tried to go down on her during the movie). What I am getting at though is that basically every person who walked in there gave me a weird, slightly scared look. I sort of wished I had a pad of paper with me so that I could take notes and pretend to be a film critic or something.** What I want to know is, since when has watching a movie alone become an indication of insanity, social rejection, or both? It is more logical to watch a movie alone, and I don't need another person to watch it with me. What are they going to do, fill me in on the parts I miss when I sneeze?

I think I am going to make it a habit to go to movies alone. If you want to go to the movies alone with me, give me a call. I start work on Tuesday.

*This does not apply to boyfriends or other cuddly persons.
**I might actually start doing this, it would be fun. I'd rather be a book critic though. Or a food critic. Mmm food critic. Yeah definitely a food critic. Heck, I just like being critical.


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