I can't believe I wrote an entry in outline form. Somone shoot me, please.

Sep 22, 2004 17:53

Disclaimer: If you're in a good mood, this will ruin it. If you're in a bad mood, this will either make you feel better about yourself, or, if you love me, put you in a worse mood because you're sad that I'm worried.

Things That Are Worrying Me

I Grades
A. They aren't as high as they should be. In fact, I'm doing pretty crappily in the classes that matter.
1) My vector geometry homework scores are deplorable, and I don't understand anything. I have a test on Tuesday and I am totally unprepared for it. I went over stuff with my professor, but it just makes me feel more stupid.
2) I nearly failed my chem test (D), probably because I didn't do any homework. He drops the lowest test grade, but this now means that I have to do very well on all of my other tests.
3) I got an F for sure on my chem lab write-up, and even though she isn't counting this one, I don't know that I'll do much better on the others! I thought that I had written a really good report, but I only got a 38/90.
B. I'm doing well in the wrong classes.
1) I got an A on my test in Russian. That's just great, really. Just what I need. An A in RUSSIAN which I only took because I needed more credit hours.
2) Ditto for women's lit.
3) What if I end up being something stupid like an English major?
C. What if this means I can't be an engineer?
1) I'm failing all of the wrong classes.
2) What else would I do if I couldn't get into engineering? Would I have to transfer?
3) What is there to do? I don't know what I want to be when I grow up other than an engineer.
D. I thought I'd do really well and I'm not. I'm going to be such a disappointment.
E. I need to work harder but I lack motivation. It's like my brain needs viagra or something.
II Friends
A. I miss my friends.
1) Is it normal to be missing everyone so much? I figured I'd make new friends and move on.
2) Does everyone have new friends that are cooler than I?
3) Why is everyone else making new friends but me?
B. I don't have any friends.
1) Actually, I'm sort of friends with the girls down the hall.
a. They are republicans.
b. They bash democrats.
c. They are just joking (I think) but I'm afraid they think I'm weird.
2) How did I make friends with everyone in high school? I just remember having a group there.
3) I wish I wasn't so shy, or that I was more normal.
C. Maybe I smell funny and that's why people don't want to be friends with me. Do I smell funny?
D. Do I meddle too much?
III. Boys
A. They suck.
B. 60% of this school is male yet I still manage to NOT talk to them.
C. If a high school crush does not work out in high school it will definately NOT work out in college.
4)*hits forehead with 2X4*
D. I wish I had more sex appeal or was more flirtatious or both...SKANKIFY ME (not really).
IV. Clubs
A. I keep forgetting to go to Young Democrats.
1) I signed up to do a lot of stuff and have failed.
2) I am the dorm leader for my dorm and am supposed to recruit people, but most, if not all, of the girls in this dorm are republicans.
3) Stupid Bush.
4) I feel like I don't know enough about the world/national/political situation to be helpful.
B. Is chess club really that socially stunting? Because I really like it.
C. I forgot to go to the salsa club meeting too.
D. And swing.
E. Oops.
V. I feel a bit better now that I got some of that out of my head and onto a screen.
A. Thanks for listening.
1) Sorry this one was such a downer.
2) I just feel slightly overwelmed.
3) I don't feel smart anymore.
B. I think I worry too much.
C. I really ought to stop procrastinating and finish my reading before chess club.
D. Over and out.
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