(no subject)

Jul 21, 2006 23:17

I suppose I should have added after the last post that I have never been to New Orleans, but I have been told by a few people that it is totally a "Frank" city. Of course this was all pre hurricane katrina. But at the same time I dont know about the hot-ass, muggy-ass humidy, the rampant crime, or the overall rundown-ness of it that I always pictured in my mind and from stories people who have been tell. This is all true, but Ill say that it doesnt matter to me, in the scope of my last post. The moral of the last post was 3 fold:

1.) Bob Dylan is a fucking genius. Period.

2.) Even though Ive never been to NOLA, I totally am in love with Bob Dylan's perspective of it, and if he's even remotely in the ballpark of it (which was confirmed by an actual ex-resident that he was dead on balls accurate) then I am so down with it.

3.) Lastly, it is perfect that NOLA has tons of street crime and poverty and its hotter than hell, because those things will always keep me from living there. Which goes perfectly with Dylan's perspective. He wasnt speaking of it from the voice of a man who has lived there, or was planning to move there. He was speaking of it from the perspective of its the perfect city to escape to and to get away from whatever bullshit you are trying to get away from. Even though that when you get there you will be surrounded by more shit than what you escaped from, it is still somehow soothing and comforting. I guess thats one of the magics of the city he speaks of to begin with.

Id like to go there someday, preferably alone or with one or 2 select people. Reason being I would just want to get lost in the mystique of it all. Get completely drunk and just wander or just sit and observe. It seems like the type of place Id like to go and be quiet. Yeah, re-read that. I said go to and be quiet, I am never quiet.  Ill make it someday Im sure, when the time is right.
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