Jun 05, 2006 22:11
Killer weekend just passed and I am sure to have an excellent one coming up. Saw an SIU buddy, the Cubs took 2 of 3 from the Cardinals, saw an awesome Rock and Sweet Jelly Roll show in Bloomington Saturday, saw some good friends at the same time, then Sunday got to hang with Ben one last time before he officially moves to San Diego.
San Diego - fuck. It is just now sinking in. Tonight during the Cubs game the pitcher hit a 3 run home run, I wanted to call Ben at home and scream and I was like wait, hes not even home. I know we all are growing up and going seperate ways and all that shit. Hell, in 2 short months, Ill be him on the road only subtract San Diego and add Austin. But still it weird to think about. Only home for a month, I was still getting used to him being across town, and now its back the the Army mentality of "I'll see you at Christmas" but at least hes in the US this time around. Okay enough reflecting, I am happy for him for real. Godspeed.
I get the bonehead of the year award for real. Talking on messenger today I was talking about figures and keeping them to myself so I was speaking in percentages and off the top of my head I threw one out. And then I said to myself, I think I am pretty fucking accurate with that for just shooting off the top of my head. So I open up windows calculator and was going to do the math and I was typing in the messenger box so in the end all the figures were revealed and in their proper mathmatical places. Yeah, slick move exlax. Trust me with goverment secrets and the Chinese and the Russians will take over by the end of the week.
"That kind of work can be done over the weekend!"
This weekend is going to fucking wail. Out of town friends coming into k3 friday night. then Saturday we all will rally up and head to Cincinnatti for the Cubs 3rd annual away game road trip, or TC3AAGRT. Renting a van so 6 of us can all roll together, driving to Cincy, hotel room, Cubs games, beer, hookers, gambling, bourbon, crabs - the works. Lets just hope the Cubs keep rolling and actually win some games.
Time to make a phone call.