we need to have a talk..

May 11, 2005 21:46

this is meant to be firm, not mean. so take that into consideration before you read this.

we are coming to the end of the year, and most would think everyone would be happy and not fighting. well for everyone in our little "group" it just isn't possible. But that is not what I am talking about at this point in time.

This is really starting to hurt, and it confuses me, when people get mad and say it is my fault when I dont even know that I had done anything. Now people, I know we have all been through a load of crap this year. but that gives no one any reason to point the finger at someone else. It is really starting to wear me out. I really try my hardest to make everyone happy, I really do, but it seems everytime I do, I am the bad guy, so I guess I am in a lose-lose situation b/c when people do get mad at me, they never want to talk to me about it. They either want to keep it inside, or go talk to someone else about it. and Im sorry if this sounds rude, but how the heck do any of those 2 options solve anything?

Im not mad, but I am in a very frustrating position. It sucks that the people I care about the most, can make me their worst enemie sometimes. I feel helpless because if one of you isnt mad at me someone else in our "group" is, most of the time. But, again, no one cares to come to me to talk about it.

Guys, we are 16 and 17 years old...we have had a rough year, every one of us, not just me, and not just someone else, but we have had plenty of good times to replace the bad. Im not giving up on yall, so dont give up on me. and please dont say its my fault because im the only one who may be there afterwards.
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