Apr 26, 2010 22:51

For a week each month, I turn Emo.

It starts with a sigh. Then, a sadness. Then, an impending volcanic eruption of intense emotions brews from within. Then, there are deeper sighs and a greater irritation of the things around. The body goes lethagic. So does the mind. All I wish to do is to cuddle and slack in my cave...but the world does not stop spinning just because I feel like a slug. There are responsibilities and tons of stuff to do! And so, the volcano in me continues to brew as I go about my days.

I would crave for food I normally don't eat. Hmmm...char-kuey-tiao with cockles extras = yummy!

i would burst into anger more often than usual.

I would be sadder than usual about many things in life.

These are signs of my PMS, aka Pre-Menstrual-Signs.


I feel like eating cake now...


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