Its time to grow up....
Not just me, but everyone
I am getting tired of some people...
I hate when things are so misleading...
I hate people who are so misleading...
I hate fakes
I hate people who pretend..
And i fucking hate people who use me...
Even worse i hate pretending to be happy all of the time. I cant be happy when i know im alone because people
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Go ahead, fucking call me a bitch and shit i dont give a fuck, I take care of baby's and old people 24/7.. I've watched people suffer, die, grow up, I work, I get good grades, and i have a good heart... so go ahead, tell me to GROW UP... i fucking dare you...
you just put into words what ive always wanted to but never could. we did get fucked out of being kids, and it sucks. how about when im called immature, it drives me mental. ive had to take care of my father, and Nana, and watch them suffer. ive had to walk into a hospital, and try to feed my family members, holding back tears, and trying everything possible to make them laugh, to make a good memory, or try to at least. yeah, thats immature, right. i hate people who are so closed minded to how things are today, and i can completely relate to what you said in those 2 paragraphs, because its true, and thats the sad part.
now, i try to do the things i couldnt do when i was 13, 14. i want to have fun. i want to play. i want to be cute. and it seems to be a problem with people. a few weeks before school ended, Mr Picken told me to wait until i get into the real world. i was pissed for 3 days because ive lived the real world. i know how shit is. ive had to be a 30 year odl aat the age of 13, and so havent some other people, like you.
i love you to pieces. i was so happy to see you yesterday. hopewfully ill get to see you more this summer because you rock. if you ever need anything, or someone to talk to, im always here for you.
Love Always,
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