I posted a blog
here if anyone is interested in reading that. =) It is also copy-pasted here, but I think it looks prettier over there.
Sometimes, I really hate being on the west coast, just because so many of my friends see the episodes three hours before I do, and I cannot really join in on discussions. That has nothing to do with anything, though, so onto the episode!
I was so happy when the episode started up. That woman's boss was seriously hilarious. Her employee is freaking out about imaginary bugs all over her, and she was just like, 'You going to call an ambulance, or are you going to just stare?' instead of, I don't know... calling it herself? Expressing some concern? Oh well, I quite enjoyed the opening. I always like how you can just tell it is House, the second it starts up, because of how the opening is.
House playing video games with coma guy is so amazing. He is just sitting there, chilling out, and Cuddy is like STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND GO TALK TO WILSON. 'I considered being a horrendous pain in the ass, but I didn't want to tread on your turf.' I love House and Cuddy, they say the best things ever. Even when Cuddy is being legitimately concerned, and House is trying to avoid her, their banter is so playful and great.
Then after that, the whole scene with House revealing that Thirteen has Huntingtons. She says something that has nothing to do with it, and he's like I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS, thus, confusing everyone. I quite enjoy moments like that. Also, Kutner and his 'Are you lying?' 'Are you deflecting now?', and his general concern, while not really caring that it is not really his business is great. He is such a cute character, and I really enjoy his interactions with Thirteen.
Okay, enough play by play, onto House and Wilson. Those two make the best faces, I swear. There were quite a few scenes where Wilson looked as if he would cry, but he was angry at the same time. And House's angry face when he said, 'Actually, as you can see, I'm not busy, it's just a euphemism for "Get the hell out of here",' was so ragey and upset, it was perfect.
Also, quick tangent: Why would Wilson write his resignation by hand? His handwriting is horrible. Type it up, mister, unless you are trying to give Cuddy more excuses to not accept it.
Anyway. House and Wilson throughout the whole episode were just ridiculous.
Wilson was not listening to anyone at all, which is his right, but honestly? Cameron was right-- running away doesn't help, and nothing is really the right choice, so he shouldn't think he is doing the right thing. She has been through this before, I think she knows what she is talking about. And though I totally do not agree with Foreman telling Wilson he should leave (not in a mean way, just agreeing with Wilson's decision), he was right, Wilson should do what he really wants to do, do whatever is right for him. Running away is not going to help him at all. Telling House they were never friends to begin with? Not constructive, and very middle school. I know this will all blow over, but seriously. So much drama.
I do love that House honestly apologised, even though Wilson didn't blame him, and House still got crushed. He is just going to keep showing how much he cares about Wilson, how much he values their friendship, until it is finally enough for Wilson, I think. It would honestly make me happy if House was the one to get them back together, by doing something Wilson cannot refuse.
Aside from adoring House and Wilson's interactions, and House and Cuddy's interactions, I also actually loved the Patient of the Week. Even though I was like, 'Guys, ectopic pregnancy. Check for that before doing a DDX on the 'false' pregnancy test', I was actually interested in all the medical procedures, and I liked the character. Thirteen kept getting frustrated with her, and she was a good way to get more insight into Thirteen. I also really liked her, 'She's just another boss, and I'm just another employee. In a way, I matter.' I am hoping this seasons continues with the patients like this. Ones that help us see more about the main characters. Same with clinic patients. There were none in this episode, but I hope we get to see more of them.
I also enjoyed how much of a jerk Chase was being. Not willing to work for the fellows, mostly because House wasn't around. 'A bump? Oh yeah... My grandfather died of a bump.' 'Then I suggest you don't stand there like idiots.' I love how hew grew a spine, along with getting his magical surgical skills. He is good times.
Other quotes I enjoyed:
'In six months, when you've moved on from Amber to Burnt Sienna...' (House to Wilson)
'Yesterday's sluts are today's empowered women.' (House)
'Heeey, who are you?' (Patient to House)
'She dumped me when I lost the last 85 pounds. Says there was less of me to love.' (House about Cameron-- joke, obviously)
'If her daddy hadn't been drunk, she might have never been born.' (House to Cuddy, about Amber)
'You want to keep him, he needs to know he's not alone.' (Cuddy to House, about Wilson)
'I have to do what's best for me, you have to do what's best for you.' (Wilson to House)
'Mind if I come in?'
'Not at all, mind if I leave?'
(Cuddy and House)
'If you tell Wilson how you actually feel about him [...] If you make yourself vulnerable for once...' (Cuddy to House)
'See! You two are friends!' (Cuddy to House and Wilson)
Things I am looking forward to next week:
-The Private Investigator. He looks like so much fun.
-More House and Wilson drama.
-The case looks really awesome, with all the people who got transplants from one person dying.