Feb 06, 2008 01:20
This is different from my usual posts. =)
Okay, so normally my 'thoughts' would consist of a list of quotes and OMGs and just general mindless squeeing. I do it so well, and most of the time I'd be happy just to let everyone else have actual thoughts about things and get all of mine out with a few OMG YAY ILTHEMs.
But tonight, just because I was so moved by this episode, I'm going to show that I actually have thoughts that consist of real, English words. I know. Shocking.
Tonight's (yesterday's, whatever) episode was, hands down, the best I have ever seen. It wasn't just because of the 'Oh my god, you're sleeping with me!' comment, or Wilson's ramble about why dating House would be a logical thing for him to do, reasonable, even. Obviously I liked those moments, they added to the overall adoration. It wasn't because I am a diehard Amber fan and we got to see quite a bit of her. It was because of all the emotion and relationship building, really.
Wilson dating Amber irked House, obviously. We got to see jealous!House turned up to 11, all possessive and such. The man is insecure about some things, yes, but what I really saw, above all that, was him being protective of Wilson. Not just possessive, not just, 'He's MY best friend and you can't have him,' but protectiveness. He wanted to know Amber's true motives behind dating Wilson. He wanted to see if he could push her away from him. He offered her a fellowship, something she clearly wanted more than most anything, if she would break up with Wilson. By being his obnoxious, interfering self, he was testing the waters with her. He was doing what is most likely the House equivalent of Wilson's speaking to Cameron out of concern for House (the 'You're worried I'm going to break his heart?' scene before House and Cameron went on that date). Wilson was trying to protect House, House was trying to protect Wilson. At least that is how I percieved all of House's actions throughout the episode.
Also, Cuddy tonight was kickass. I have always been a fan of her interactions with House, because I think those two have an ace relationship as well, but her attempt at reasurring House was so true. 'You aren't going to lose your best friend.' The add-on about House's neediness level aside, it is totally true. House and Wilson have been friends for hell knows how long. They've seen one another through some really shitty times (House's infarction, Wilson's divorces, all the shit with Vogler and Tritter) and they've always stuck it out, because, in the end, they mean a lot to one another, and sometimes they're all the other has. They seem like they are just so accepting of one another's faults and they love one another so unconditionally, but it is so much more complex than just that.
House is jealous, and possessive, and protective, and downright afraid of losing his best friend, but he put that all aside, and he accepted Wilson's relationship with Amber. He's pretty damn sure she isn't going to hurt him, and he's just going to let Wilson be happy. The ending really made me happy as I could be, because their interaction and conversation was so full of affection (for them, anyway) and I love seeing them show that to one another.
Amber isn't going to 'break up House/Wilson', just the same as Wilson's wives and Stacy and all the random women House flirts with (and fucks) haven't broken up House and Wilson. If anyone saw this episode as a loss or a let down, they clearly missed the whole point. House and Wilson are going to be House and Wilson no matter who else gets added to that equation. House isn't going to lose Wilson or be replaced, and vice versa. They have a unique and strong relationship, and an obvious love for one another. They don't need romance or on screen make out sessions to show this. They don't need to be a couple to be in a relationship. They don't need to love one another 'like that' to be in love. They're House and Wilson and they will always be House and Wilson, no matter what. They don't need to be a canon couple for that to be true.
Basically, what I am trying to say is that I adore this show more than ever. I adore House and Wilson more than ever. It's all so beautiful and complex and funny and good and I have never been more content with this series than I am right at this moment. The future is looking bright, ladies and gentlemen.