May 13, 2004 08:33
"I sit all alone and I stare at the phone and I hope that you're doing o.k."
♥ The Ataris ♥
the weather is some crappy today....its like rainy..and overcast...grrrr...i hate this fucking state...but anyways...even though i didn't even want to get out of bed this morning...i did, and now i'm sitting in my maxwell class room...and its honestly like 80 degrees in here....its so nasty...and i have to spend the next two hours here! ahh i hate school, why won't just hurry up and be over? its weird to think that in like 10 days...12 years of school is over....isn't that crazy? And not just that but most of everyone we know is moving away...and i mean most people aren't moving to far julia is going to UGA...and lauras going to state....which really isn't too far...but then you have robbie moving to fucking california...(lucky basard)lol....but its just weird to think how its all coming to an end...i just hope i keep in contact with my friends....but aside form being nostalgic about high school i'm still ready to it to fucking get over with.
so lastnight i went on a double date with walt and his friend adam and his girlfriend...and that turned to be allot of fun..we went and saw godsend...and the movie was pretty good...alittle to jumpy, but still ok....but it turned out that we were the only ones in the we could be as load we wanted..and so we just ran around..and me and walt had a game if tag..very fun...but adam and walt both got food poisoning at the same time, so they spent most of the movie in the bathroom...and that kind of sucked...and i hope thier ok..for some reason they think their victims of some anthrax or something..adom was really freaking out..but i'm sure they'll be ok..and thats that! TTYL
Love Always